[GAP Forum] ClosureGroup!

Bill Allombert Bill.Allombert at math.u-bordeaux.fr
Sat Oct 12 13:33:20 BST 2019

On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 12:17:37PM +0000, lopo apelo kosho wrote:
> Dear friends, 
> I am writing a GAP code to check the following property: The join of any two permutable subgroup is a PERMUTABLE subgroup. I have a code that gives all permutable subgroups in a given group (PermutableSubgroups(g)). Here is my code:
> IsPermJoinGroup:=function(g)local i,n,j,c;
> if IsAbelian(g)=truethen 
> return true;
> fi; 
> n:=PermutableSubgroups(g);
> if Size(n)=1 then return true;
> fi;
> for i in[1..Size(n)] do 
> for j in [i+1..n]do
You should probably replace [i+1..n] by [i+1..Size(n)]

In fact you should probably rename n to N and set
this would make your code more readable.


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