[GAP Forum] ClosureGroup!

Stephen Linton sl4 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Sat Oct 12 13:33:13 BST 2019

Dear Lopo Apelo Kosho,

> On 12 Oct 2019, at 13:17, lopo apelo kosho <helo_07 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear friends, 
> I am writing a GAP code to check the following property: The join of any two permutable subgroup is a PERMUTABLE subgroup. I have a code that gives all permutable subgroups in a given group (PermutableSubgroups(g)). Here is my code:

I think the problem is here:

> for i in[1..Size(n)] do 
> for j in [i+1..n]do

The second loop seems to assume that n is a number, but it is in fact a list of subgroups. Maybe that should be Size(n)?


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