[GAP Forum] matrix realization over prime field

Evgeny Vdovin vdovin at math.nsc.ru
Thu Oct 24 02:20:31 BST 2019

Dear all,

Could you give me an idea, how could I realize the following procedure:

Let A be a n*n matrix over a non-prime field GF(p^k) (say, A in GL(2,4)). I
need to generate matrix B of size nk*nk over GF(p) such that each k*k block
in it is an element in GF(p^k) realized as k*k matrices over GF(p) and the
element corresponds to an element of A.

For example, if
A =
Z(2^2) =

All the best, Evgeny.

Evgeny Vdovin
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
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630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
Office    +7 383 3297663
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