[GAP Forum] Announcing the FinInG package

Alexander Konovalov alexander.konovalov at st-andrews.ac.uk
Tue Jul 24 19:26:57 BST 2018

Dear Forum Members,

It is my pleasure to announce the officially accepted (since 
its version 1.4.1, released 31/03/2018) FinInG package for the
GAP system. This version of the FinInG package is available in
the newly released GAP 4.9.2.

The name FinInG stands for "Finite Incidence Geometry", the 
main area of application for this package. As the package 
documentation says, FinInG "provides users with the basic tools
to work in various areas of finite geometry from the realms of
projective spaces to the flat lands of generalised polygons".

The FinInG package has been around for a while. First it was
an undeposited package available only from its own webpage. In
February 2016, Fining 1.3.3 appeared in GAP 4.8.2 distribution.
Now it has successfully passed the refereeing process (see
and obtained the "accepted" status. The FinInG package is
authored by John Bamberg, Anton Betten, Jan De Beule, Philippe 
Cara, Michel Lavrauw and Max Neunhoeffer, and on behalf of the
GAP Council, I thank them for this contribution to GAP.

Best regards,
Alexander Konovalov

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