[GAP Forum] Normalized unit group of group algebra FD6

Surinder Kaur surinder.kaur at iitrpr.ac.in
Mon Jan 1 07:29:15 GMT 2018

Dear Forum,

If FG is the group algebra of the Dihedral group G of order 6 over the
finite field with 9(=3^2) elements, then how can the normalized unit group
of FG be obtained. When I take the field with 3 elements, then I am able to
get the elements, but if I take the field with 9 elements then what should
be the approach.

l:=List(m,x-> x^Embedding(g,fg));;
s:=Filtered(u, x-> Augmentation(x) = (Z(3)^(0)) );;

This was the approach I used for group algebra of smaller order, but it
didn't work anymore when I increased the size of the field. Moreover, if I
take DIhedral group of order 10 over Filed with 5 elements, then again I am
facing the same problem.

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

*Surinder Kaur*
*Research scholar  *
*Department of Mathematics *
*IIT Ropar*

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