[GAP Forum] Fp group

Victor D. Mazurov mazurov at math.nsc.ru
Wed Jun 1 12:43:54 BST 2011

Dear GAP forum,

Suppose that GAP shows (using coset enumeration algorithm) that a group
$G=<F| R>$ where $F$ is a finitely generated free group and $R$ is a finite
set of words in $F$ is finite. Let $w\in F$ such that the image of  $w$ in
$G$ is 1.  How one can find (using GAP) some $r_1,...,r_m\in (R\cup R^{-1})$
and $t_1,...,t_m\in F$ such that $w=r_1^{t_1}\cdots r_m^{t_m}$? Best wishes,
V.D. Mazurov

Victor Danilovich Mazurov
Institute of Mathematics
Novosibirsk 630090

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